Saturday, January 5, 2013

New Korean President!

2012: Overwhelmed with presidential elections

So this year I was bombarded with three very important presidential elections. Man, 2012! What a year!  1) The most heart-breaking and devastating news on October 7th during the elections in Venezuela. No need to repeat what happened there. THEN 2) In November, my first time ever voting as an American citizen! Mr. Obama wins and then, just as I  thought it was over:  KOREA HOLDS ELECTIONS!

I did not know much about the candidates or their campaigns, pros, cons. history, heck I was not even aware it was election year here. Until I arrived, and coincidentally ended up in one of the rallies for candidate 2 in the center of Gwanghawmun Square. I think it is safe to say, that the publicity and propaganda these candidates use (as well as for regional elections) are the most clever I have ever seen! For example. they have vans of mobile "FlashMob dancers" that go all around the city, stop at crowded places, and do their "thing" I was lucky enough to see and record one of the vans. I wish I could have joined. Whoever you were, if I was Korean, you sold me with your dancers, you had my vote! 

On a more serious note, as we may all be aware, the winner of the presidential elections
was a WOMAN.
                                              Congratulations Park Geun-hye! 

Ms. Park ran for presidency in a country that is "still a traditional society
where, despite some strong inroads in business and government, women’s most
important job is still considered to be raising children." 

NY Times

I have not been here for long, so therefore I do not claim to know much about the situation, but I found it interesting that most of the few Korean friends I have on facebook, were clearly discontent with this outcome. As I became aware through further research, she is none other than the  daughter of South Korea’s longest-ruling dictator! Mr. Park Chung-Hee. He was the General that lead the military coup and served from 1961-1979. I need to educate myself more on the circumstances of the country under his regime, but from what I've heard, it was a very similar scenario as to Argentina's in the "dirty war." Multiple similarities of governments known for homicides, accusing and torturing many innocent dissidents. I even read he banned rock music and miniskirts!  Anyways, I hope the best for this country (especially since I live here now.)  Even though the words: Dictators, Communist, Socialism and all others that do not equal Freedom are a scare factor to me, at least she carries the hope that by being the first female president, social and cultural status quo will change! Oriana Pina for President- Venezuela 2025? ;) 

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