Sunday, December 25, 2011

Once upon a time in 2011 ...

There's something about this month that shakes the whole world up with happiness and joy.
Smiles, presents, giving and receiving,decorations, family and friends. I love it all!!!! From the intense pressure of finals week, to traveling, from the food to my birthday. Each year I write a little summary of my most highlighted memories of the year. Remembering the positive brings hope for the opportunity to live the dream again the following year, but only bigger and better each time.
Spring semester has a whole blog dedicated to it, which I just read over and brought the biggest smile to my face because soooooo much has happened since then. Then summer part I was the Orientation blog, which I read over and over again anytime I need to be re-uplifted. WOW. All of this in one year? I cannot possibly wait to see whats in store for 2012 .... so then what happened from June until now? hmmm lets see why else was this year amazing?

Oh why yes, why I accomplished another of my secret life dreams.
I traveled to Argentina! 
One of my biggest regrets is that I did not document in writing my experience while I was there. GGRRRRR. There were so many little stories that made the trip so so fun. Including:

  • The horrible hostel experiences! The first night I arrived, literally a scene from any scary movie. Then, the last week I was there had the most horrifying last night! Only a few people know what happened that night and how extremely happy I was to be done with hostels (for a while hehe) Now looking back I laugh and it serves a good story, but then not so much. My advise: read over hostel reviews before booking!!!!!
  • Our American non-Spanish speaking friend and his endless "tourists" stories hahahaha I promised him I wouldn't say his name but oh my goodness that trip would have been nothing without him. First, he gets ran over by a motorcycle the first week we arrived in Argentina! It was pretty bad, his poor leg man, he was literally limping for the remainder of the trip. Then, he lost his ATM card. Then the most epic one of all, we were walking through a plaza late at night in Rosario one weekend .... and a bird pooped on his head .... and he has a shaved head!!!! oh man. Hilarious. Lastly, he gets pick pocketed. I mean talk about disaster. But it was great, he was such a good sport about everything.  =)
  • The PARIS of Latin America.  I loved loved loved Buenos Aires. It is a beautiful city! I could definitely see myself living there in the future. Everyday, I would wake up, put on my gazillion layers of clothes and scarfs and boots to try and bear the cold. walk a block turn right walk two more blocks until I reached la Avenida Carlos Pellegrini, then right in the middle of such a metropolitan city was our IES Study center. The view was amazing, see for youself:  I realized I like the big city life more, the colectivos, the people, taxis, bums on the street, walking at 2am in the streets with people still up! The buildings and the best part: THE ACCENT! Sometimes when I tried I could do it, but I would slip up with the YO instead of SHO. and then came the inevitable question: "De donde sos vos?" (Where are you from in Argentinian spanish) Of course whenever I said Venezuela the immediate response was my opinion on Chavez. Big chinese face to that. BUT I would like to say that the people were my favorite part of Argentina. I've never felt like a tourist at home more than there.
    I fell in love with Tango 

  • Lastly, I want to say Thank you to my amazing FIU group for all of the fun, incredible experience my summer 2011. We had the funnest time!! It was like living the Real World: Buenos Aires without the sweet crib and makeouts. okay maybe it wasn't anything like the real world show, I don't know what to compare it to, I just know that the day we met I knew we would all click and be best friends forever!!!!!!!!!! =) and they totally expect me to say this right? haha. Gracias chicos por una experiencia inolvidable.

So then after the astonishing perfect summer came FALL 2011
It honestly felt like any other of the previous fall semesters at FSU. With one exception. I knew it'd be my last. Therefore I truly took the opportunity to enjoy everything to the fullest. Let me explain that a bit. Everything was the same, but it all felt too perfect!
One. I was blessed to have the funnest and best girls any SSF house could have. I secretly want to say that I love my house so much! AND I know it sounds silly but I am deathly terrified of not having you girls living with me after this semester. After living with 21+ people for 4 years, its hard to imagine not. What am I going to do when I'm scared at night and think Ted Bundy crazy fool person is outside my house? Okay lets not think about that yet right.  Needless to say, I love every single one of you and thank you thank you for always brightening my day.
Then, there were football games, work, school, Being president of my pride and joy and home away from home and other descriptive words synonym for incredible: VENSA! In all honestly, every single one of our meetings, events, socials we've had this semester have been my funnest of ALL 4 years of FSU. I wish Vensa would have been here for me since my freshman year. I am so proud of what it has become and wish hope an pray it does for someone else what it did for me. Kappa Delta Chi fun outings, family weekend escapades, Halloween Horror nights, waaaaaaahhhh. Nooooo its all happening so so fast.

Next years Christmas blog is going to be so different. I will graduate in April (thank the little sweet baby Jesus) and I have so many different choices to make. I currently have 5 different options in mind, all consisting of either different countries or cities, and I am beyond terrified to make a decision. and then ROBERT! another big AHH at that topic right there. Our lives are so romantically perfect right now, what if we end up long distance for the next 2 years because of our life plans? What's going to happen? Thinking about not having him 2 blocks away makes me so sad, yet I have so many goals and dreams that I have planned for myself, what do I do? I am the dorkiest corniest thing on this planet. YELP! ps. I hope he is not reading this. and if you are, let's not talk about it so I don't cry okay? great great!

Yet, inside something tells me that 2012 is going to be full of surprises and all for the better. I hope and wish that in the December 2012 blog I read back at this one and laugh because little did my anxious little dramatic self know, everything would work out for the better. Because it always does. THANK YOU 2011, you have been incredible. Life keeps getting better, even when things are bad, its just better and better.
Merry Christmas, HAPPY 22nd BIRTHDAY TO ME, AND HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012  <3


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