Wednesday, January 2, 2013

First time for everything

"Each of you possesses the most powerful, dangerous and subversive trait that natural selection has ever devised. It’s a piece of neural audio technology for  rewiring other people’s minds.

 I’m talking about your language.” (Mark Pagel)

Week II

        IT IS COLD. Oh my goodness it is cold. What is a Venezuelan doing in Korea, a place that snows? Now I'm starting to believe the validity of cultural and ethnic adaptation, because while my coworker from Ireland is wearing 3 layers and gets by, I on the other hand wear 5 layers (including fuzzy thick socks) and I am still shivering! >.< 

BUT when in Rome, do as Romans do... or in this case I did as Koreans in the winter & last weekend I went Skiing * My first time. My friend Lindsay, her boyfriend, Helen my co-worker and I went to Vivaldi Resort in Daemyung (Central Korea) What a fun day! First the excitement of renting the skiing gear, which included the heaviest objects I've ever worn these crazy heavy shoes, as well as cool clothes. Anyways I'm sure everyone knows how this works, but it was incredibly funny being first timers! Helen kept falling every 15 seconds, I got the hang of it but did not know how to stop when I was going fast and fell pretty hard (to the point where my ski fell off and everything haha) I definitely want to go again and become a master skier :)

                               Oh that's right! BUT that was during the weekend .....
     Week II should consist all about Christmas and the most important 

                  day in the whole year, duh, hello, no need to even say it ;)
                             MY BIRTHDAY! 

Where to even begin. Let me start by getting it all out, venting, crying, spilling my heart out with all of the bottled up emotions I've had, and then I'll talk about the good part. Or should it be the other way around? No no sad first and then end with the happy part. Okay here it goes:

I am never, ever, if I can control it, spending Christmas season without my Family and loved ones. Ever. again! Sigh:'(  
Deep breath. So this is the first year that I did not have my delicious Hallacas, or ate Pan de Jamon. First time spending the holidays without my family. See even though every Christmas I am always missing one side of the family (If I'm in Venezuela, I miss my Florida family, and viceversa) It just did not feel like Christmas. No Christmas tree, no decorations, no presents! Not only not receiving presents but not giving any either, I know it's weird but I love giving presents. Before I left the states I sent around 20 Christmas cards. I love gift wrapping, the excitement of unwrapping, the surprise and thoughtfulness. Christmas spirit, I missed you. There's a special happiness everyone has during the last 2 weeks of the year. It is truly the most wonderful time of the year, at least it has always been for me. BUT realizing I was not going to be with my brother or sisters was really sad. 

They do not celebrate Christmas here and the fact that NONE of my students had ANY plans or excitement for that matter, just killed me.
 **So family, if you'r reading this: I really love you. I am so thankful for you & for making all 22 of my previous Christmases magical and full of love. Thank you for instilling in me the value of Family and even though we are all separated, some of us fighting, all of us in different countries, just know that I appreciate you so much! I am lucky, and would not change any of you for the world. You all are perfect! <3 Thank you for your love: Tias, Tios, Primos, Abuelita,(
I think I need to do another blog in Spanish for them) all of my incredible friends back home that wrote me/called me thank you! It meant the world....... 
OKAY! Enough, I am crying.... oh and then there was my Birthday. Same pretty much. I worked! Which I have never had to do. BUT thankfully I had fun hats, a chocolate birthday cake & drinks.

BLINK 182: " Well, I guess this is growing up" 

BUT the amazing part of it all was that, even though you can take the girl away from Christmas, you can't take the Christmas away from me! Or something like that. haha. I still wore my Christmas hat around, wrote all of my Coworkers Christmas cards with a little chocolate included, and managed to talk to my immediate family all day. I am thankful for internet, skype & whatsapp. ALSO- I am thankful that in this world, I have coincided with the most caring and unique individuals. My wonderful friend Lindsay invited me to her Christmas party. Her group of friends were having an intimate gathering were they were even gift exchanging among themselves. They extended the invitation and allowed a newbie to Korea to join their celebration. I ended up staying the night, watched Christmas movies, played board games, and woke up on Christmas morning to a delicious homemade American breakfast that we all made together. I met them the night before, and by the next morning they had made my Christmas SO special. It's really the little things in life, right? Like welcoming a stranger to your house, and saving them from a Christmas away from home. Little events such as this, make me stronger, and should let everyone realize the beauty of December <3

for making my 23 special in Korea <3

             I am 23! In honor of this beautiful age:



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