Friday, February 22, 2013

My first big girl Korean purchase


This must be one of the best countries in the world !!!!!! I must share:

I have some very very important visitors coming next week ^^ (of course there will be a future post about that) SO I decided I needed to buy a futon for them to sleep for two week, right? OK so even back in the comfort of home where I speak the language, had a car, and knew what stores to go to, furniture shopping is still always a hassle, RIGHT?

WELL, NOT IN KOREA! Because this country values and loves their convenience, and I love it.

My (super helpful lovely kind patient amazing and lovely) new Korean friend, told me about an app on your phone where you can do online shopping. So, I downloaded it, and even though the whole entire single application is in Korean, I managed to browse through it for enough hours until I found the home decor tab and a beautiful and incredibly economical green futon. I feel in love with it. So, I sent my friend the link to it via text, she then read the reviews and after deciding that it was great quality and with 5-stars, I decided to buy it!  My friend put her phone information in case of anything they would contact her (hello, it is all in Korean!) ..... This is where the story gets good:
I also have an app on my phone for my banking, since its easier to manage than web based online banking (due to the Korean of course) ANYWAYS, so through my phone app, I made the money transfer to the furniture company. I made the transfer on Friday morning. They called my friend Friday afternoon that they could make the delivery the next day between 5-7pm. She calls me Saturday around 6:15 that they are on their way to my apt. He arrives, and immediately starts to assemble my gorgeous new futon (Evidently, it was one of those awkward moments, since all I knew how to say was "Hello" ..... I wanted to offer water, or help, but you know, I don't know how to say any of that in Korean) Also, I texted my neighbor that delivery man had arrived, and that he was assembly the couch, just in case you know, I disappeared in the back of a furniture store truck forever. But nope, after just 20 minutes of me wishing I had studied harder in my Korean classes thus far, the man was done, the couch was assembled, and he left. That was it!

Everything is so convenient, efficient, and advanced in this country. I saw this couch on Wednesday, on my phone, and by Saturday this brand new beauty was in my possession, for 1/3 of the price I would've paid for a craigslist second hand futon in the States. ..... I feel accomplished.... and my visitors will have a comfty sleep while in Seoul.

Korea: I love you! 

1 comment:

  1. I love reading about your adventures! I'm proud of you for fully immersing yourself and not holding back! I'm also impressed with all that you're doing - not only are you teaching, but you're learning Korean and volunteering with an orphanage. Kudos to you! I'm happy that you're happy. I think the blog is a great idea and a great way to reflect. If you ever reach a point when you pass the "honey-moon" stage and you grow tired of the "new-ness", I hope this blog helps you pull through and realize the joy that can be found in the smallest of things.

    Ha, I just wish I was there! :)

    힘내~ 화이팅!


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