Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Jibeuro 집으로

"Love makes us lessen our selfish and self-centered view of the world. Even the smallest kind word, or gentle loving gesture, has repercussions in the infinite…"- Lama Surya Das 

I saw this movie a little while back ~ and it was so adorable, it must be shared!

JIBEURO- The cutest, most heart-warming story about finding unconditional love in the most unexpected places.

It is the story about a young, big city boy, who is forced to live for a while with his grandmother in the countryside. The transition from being a spoiled brat, to becoming a country boy is hilarious. Even though the grandmother cannot speak, she demonstrates her love for her grandson in daily actions. From catching a live chicken to feed him "Kentucky Fried Chicken" to slaving away to clean his mess. Ah~ It absolutely made me miss my grandmother <3

I found it Youtube with English Subtitles & I fully recommend this classic Korean movie to all!

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