Sunday, December 23, 2012

Settling in ...

Week I 

    I live here. I've been an eager tourist so far. It needs to somehow hit me that I live here, I do not have to catch a plane back to Florida anytime soon. I am not on vacation & I get to stay here for a long time ^_^

    I'm still going through my touristic honeymoon phase where I want to visit a million places per day, get worn out, and do it all over the next day. I am the definition of eager. How can I not be, I mean I just moved to the second largest metropolitan city of the world! I want to explore it all. 

   Cliche to the max, but what's meant to happen, happens. I was somehow meant to make this exciting move. All of the pieces in my life just fell together perfectly so that I was bold enough to make this decision. The fact that in a mysterious way things worked out in the end, convince me that it is exactly and to the tea what I needed in my life. How insane, I am getting all of the things I wanted: change, to be challenged, a big city, to for once be the foreigner, to live/work abroad. Be careful what you wish for, because it might come true.
  "Lo que conviene, viene. Si no viene, no conviene." 

School:   So anyways besides enjoying the city, a big part of my day is filled with the new and exciting challenge of being a teacher. I know its only been one week, but I know for a fact this is not what I see myself doing for the rest of my life. My goodness all of the respect to teachers all over the world, I honestly do not know how you do it. It takes a lot of energy, patience and dedication. This is a fun job "for now" but I will soon realize that teaching is not for me, at least not with children. GOSH why can't we all stay cute elementary students forever and never go through our puberty/attitude/ Iknoweverythingthereistoknow years. Middle schoolers are my biggest challenge. They just "dont care" to be there. They play on their cool smart phones all day & do not participate in class at all. Whereas the younger students fight over who gets to read out loud and battle for my attention. Hmmmm. well, like I said, I like that I have this opportunity to live here & do this for this time of my life. I'm not too good at lesson planning yet, so I may be a boring teacher for now, I need to start getting creative with activities and ways to keep them busy.

I do miss my family and friends. I wish I had my close people here experiencing these adventures with me. I cannot wait until I get my first visitors.... gosh and especially now that its Christmas time! The trick is to not have Christmas spirit haha I know it sounds horrible but to me it's just not Christmas. That's the only way to do it! I've just kept thinking it is not December and it has not affected me as much. I promise myself that no matter what country, what I'm doing, or anything else this will be my first and ONLY Christmas away from my family <3 

Anyways, more stories and details to come. For now, here's another silly video of me not saying anything at all. Maybe next week I'll stop being lazy and edit cool things into the video.




This is where I work:

This is where I live:

1 comment:

  1. Pork not chicken.
    Seoul looks beautiful in your pics
    I hope you are well and healthy there--Ray


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