Monday, January 7, 2013

Week III

I call this: Random updates

The first week of the year! and I have this superstitious idea (always have) that what you do for the first few days of the year is somewhat a foreshadowing of how you  will spend the rest of the year. Let me explain: so for example I always wash and do my hair, to symbolize being clean and have good hair for the rest of the year? Also, you must always receive the new year with some dollars in your hand, so that you will have a prosperous year. (I didn't have my typical suitcase like most Hispanics do, or eat any grapes) buut instead, my first week of 2013 I: worked everyday, did some fun things in the mornings, visited around the city and had fun in the weekends, as well as work on some applications and plans for the future. Call me crazy, but that is probably what I'll be doing for the rest of the year. Work, travel, plan my life.  ~
I can't believe this week I will already be here for a month! Geez, does time go faster here or something?

Also, I finally successfully applied for my alien immigration card (the ID for foreigners in Korea) It was a bit of a hassle, but the third time was a charm and I finally had all of the correct documentation, and tadaaa I will be officially official in just 2 week when the card arrives. Very first world problems, but I can't wait to have a phone again as well as a bank account!!!!! It's the little things in life. Like 3G and a debit card. <3

Besides that, this weekend I did my round of touristic sightseeing. Today my co-worker tried to give me advice that I should take it slow visiting places because according to him by month 6 it will get old. BUT I think he is mistaken. There is just so much to do and see, classes, places, festivals, concerts, how can I waste any weekend not doing anything/everything? or maybe is just me and my eternal inner stubborn spirit of refusing myself to stay home inside 4 walls for more than 24 hours. It's a real thing, even when I was back home. Being home all day bores me. I need to be doing stuff, I'm weird, I like being busy. I can't wait to start my intensive Korean classes in March. Also, the true KDChi within me, signed up with a volunteer group & hopefully will start getting more involved with them next upcoming month when I'm back on regular schedule at work.

 ~ They say you learn something new everyday, so under the "Korea" and "Pictures" tab, is further information and a recap of the places visited and new knowledge I gained this weekend:

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