Thursday, September 19, 2013

Al Jazeera- America Tonight

On Tuesday, Sept 10th I was invited to attend a live newscast from Al Jazeera's America Tonight show. This townhall, was a two-hour special coverage on Syria, following President Obama's remark to the nation, regarding the United States' decision and criticisms whether or not to strike Syria.
Joie Chen, along with Antonio Mora, hosted a panel of experts before a live audience at the Newseum, (just blocks from the U.S. Capitol).

 During the program, you'll also hear from Syrian Americans in Detroit, The Stream - Al Jazeera America's digital community and journalists working in the region.

The highlight of the night: I got my 15 minutes of fame (well, more like 1.5mins) and got to ask a question live to the panel, in particular to the Congressman of Nevada, regarding the international outlook and perception of the US. 

It was interesting to see behind the scenes of a news production, but more importantly, to partake in this critical and provocative conversation of the future actions between Syria and the United States.

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