Monday, December 30, 2013

New Year 2014

Time for the annual New Years Eve reflection:

2013. WOW! It definitely exceeded all expectations

When I left the United States in 2012, my parents dropped me off at the airport, and I remember just breaking down and crying in front of them. "What the heck am I doing?" "Why am I leaving?" "When am I coming back"?  .... fast-forward to August, 2013 when I had to leave Korea and it was the exact dramatic scenario, except with my closest friends dropping me off at the airport. I still cannot believe how fast time flew by, how incredible my experience was, nor that I would be missing it so much! I am sure my friends/family were so tired of my stories always beginning with "In Korea..." It was like word-vomit ;) I will always cherish 2013 and it will hold a VERY special place in my heart ❤ 

All melancholic feelings aside, it was a move I had to make. Although it was (extremely) tough, I am beyond satisfied with this point and stage where I am in life. Allow me to share one of the best advice I have ever received: (one which I have learned it applies to all aspects of your life)

 "Don't give up what you want most, for what you want right now."

It was, and continues to be, the most applicable quote to live by. It really motivated me to look beyond what I could be doing now instead of studying and writing papers, and helped me realize that what I want most in life will only be accomplished through this sacrifice. Not only looking at the future long-term plans, but also acknowledging how lucky I have been this year to find employment, fellowships, and extra-curricular activities in just my first semester! All that to say: It was meant for me to be here. It feels right and I have a good feeling about this. Not many get this opportunity to attend graduate school..... and although I much rather be traveling the world any given mid-term/finals week, I am not taking this chance for granted.


I am thankful for absolutely everything and everyone during my time in Korea. I am thankful for being accepted, and finishing my first semester in such a prestigious and excellent institution. I am glad I found such a perfectly fitting program, that combines my passions and academic interests; I am ready to give it my all. I am beyond thankful I got the chance to see my family in Asia, in the USA and in Venezuela. (I pray and hope that this is something I could continue to be thankful for every year.) I learned many things this year, most importantly I experienced personal growth and took the first step towards a path where I want my life to go.... to be honest, I am still not quite sure how I'll get there, but I am glad I finally found where I am going.


I look forward to another successful year in school. During those days when I hate life due to the overwhelming amount of work I have to finish, I'll make sure to look back on this post and SMILE, agree, be thankful, and go get ice cream (haha). I also truly hope I get the chance to fulfill my desired Summer Wanderlust plans! (Although, I've learned that "What is meant to come will come, and what's not will not) Overall: hoping for a healthy, happy, family filled, adventurous, romantic, educational and FUN 2014! 

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