Saturday, March 16, 2013

Home is where the heart is


As I sit in Caffe Bene, right across the street from my apartment building, I take a deep breath and wonder how am I going to put into words the amount of happiness I experienced over these past two weeks. I once read in a book that there is no such description as an "indescribable" event; just non-creative writers.. and although I am far from wanting to be a professional writer, I'll take her advice and try my hardest to describe it.
I am 14492 kilometers or 9006 miles or 7825 nautical miles
 away from home. Four months ago when I made the decision to move to this country I took those miles into consideration, added the 12 hour time difference, timed it by the amount of hours it takes to travel here,  raised it to the power of the cost of an airplane ticket, and the math was simple:  I am very far away in the world from home. Well, for these past two weeks, believe it or not that equation was multiplied by zero. Meaning, there was nothing between a place I called home, and here. "Home is where the heart is." I felt this beautiful realization that no matter what corner of the world I am located, my family will always be there to support me (even if they disagree with my decision) They have been there for me and I will be eternally grateful.

Not only their physical presence made me feel like I was a 5 year old girl again, happily together with parents, but it was also all the little things that parents do to make you appreciate them even more. They helped clean the apartment, bought me food and did groceries, prepared dinner when I arrived home from work and even walked me to work. It was refreshing and it uplifted me in unexpected ways. I was also proud and filled with joy to show someone my new life. It is not the same writing about it or showing pictures, than it is to see it. I even made a very organized itinerary of places I wanted to take them, and had them up early every morning to enjoy each day to the fullest. 

In conclusion, if you are living abroad (or no, actually in general) I think there comes a time in life when you stop taking your parents for granted and start appreciating all they do. My moment arrived while in Korea. My family is a crazy story, but I would not change anything in our history, because I've been truly blessed.

Thank you Dad & stepMOM for your wonderful visit <3

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