Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My hood

Sometimes when you become accustomed to people, places, or things, it becomes easy to forget the beauty, and hard to appreciate what is in front of you. In that same context, a precious and valuable perspective about something can easily be worn out. Inevitably and eventually one loses those eager emotions. (To anyone who hasn't read the title of this post, this may sound as if I'm referring to love ..... but not at all, that's another topic altogether)  I am addressing the overly excited phase I went through of being mesmerized with the regular non-touristic neighborhoods around Seoul. In the hopes that the compilation of aforementioned emotions never take over me, I decided to create this post. I love this neighborhood. I love this city. I picture myself living in a city like this for the rest of my life (just maybe closer to family, so I don't know, New York? but that can't be, because I've been there, and there is simply no comparison)

I would be exaggerating if I said my neighborhood is the most exciting place in the world. It is not, and I know plenty of people living in cooler areas of the city. But overall, I feel extreme luck of having been placed here. Everything is so cute, convenient, and homey. The lady down the market is adorable & I don't even have to tell her anymore, she knows I want "one 호떡 please." I have become a regular at Paris Baguette. Even made friends with the daughter of the owner of the store of the first floor of my building. Also, the people that were placed in my life in the wonderful form of neighbors, well.... I could honestly not have asked for a better group of friends! (gosh this is getting mushy, I hope they don't read this) - Overall, I wanted to express this, as well as document pictures of my "hood" because, when I am 60 and annoying my grandchildren with these stories, I want to remember that I lived in Banghwa, Seoul, Kr! (and hopefully I'll make it to that point, if some crazy online stalker doesn't find me first with all of this information out in the open ^^  ) 

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