Friday, April 19, 2013

Language exchange

Last weekend I attended a Language Exchange Club in Gangnam... I met incredibly cool people, all with the funnest stories to share.

I did learn a few new Korean phrases, and even presented *in Korean, in front of the group!! (I strongly debated posting the video of my presentation on here, but to spare me from ridicule and embarrassment, I decided against it.) Anyways, after the lessons, we all went for lunch. It was a lovely Sunday. Just my favorite kind of days.

Overall, I have learned the importance of stepping out of your comfort zone and risking going places where you know absolutely no one. This is how I've met all of my friends in Korea thus far, and this has made my experience way more memorable ~

 Someone once told me, and now I couldn't agree more:
 "A stranger is simply a friend you haven't met yet"

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