Friday, July 12, 2013

My (hilarious) students.

Everyday there is a funny story to tell. There are few specific ones that I want to share:

1)My students bully me
Everyday I get called fat, at least once, every class. I don't really take offense to it (I can't help my hispanic curves & the Korean slim waste difference!) BUT I do highly enjoy their creative ways of reminding me each day that I am indeed, fatter.
Elephant-  One class insist on telling me that I am as fat as an elephant, and even when I ask them to be quiet, those little bullies make an elephant trumpet gesture with their arms to each other behind my back!

2) My Name 
Ori= Duck
Hana= One
Gogi= Meat

How many more nicknames can they come up with! OriHana. OriGogi, OriPina ..... etc .....

3)Typical class conversations 

Jun:  "Teacher, if all Venezuelan people are so beautiful, why are youu...... "
Me: "Excuse me, why am I what?"
Jun:  "So u-g-l-y and fat? Oh maybe because you lived in America"
Everyone in the class laughs. I STARE AT HIM WITH EVIL LOOK

Me: "Jenny, why don't you like Japanese people?"
Jenny: "Because I hate history class. If Japanese people is no, then my history book is half"

Me: "Students, do you know what CIA stands for?"
Students: " Cuba International Airport?"

I wish I would have started a comprehensive list of all of the hilarious moments that spontaneously happen within the classroom sooner. There is never a dull day with these hilarious kids. Although, I do not plan on being a teacher after this experience, I have enjoyed this job and the students a great deal. I tried my best to be the "fun and cool" teacher, especially since this country has one of the most intense education culture/systems I have ever witnessed. I think I can write a whole post about the rigorous academics the children undergo since a young age. But anyways, I  commend all of the teachers who have made this field their life long careers, I now know it takes infinite amount of patience and enthusiasm to be a (good) teacher everyday.
I will truly miss them my crazy, fun students!

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