Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Alchemist - Post-reading reflection

"When you really want something, the whole universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"

 The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.

To continue the tradition, here is my personal take & lessons learned from the latest book read:

I found positive and negative reviews on the story itself, the author, the writing style, and the message. I took it as a simple inspirational fable, like those my grandparents told me as a child. I found multiple messages applicable to my current dilemmas, yet this is one of those books that you can relate to during any chapter of your life. Besides the message, I could relate so well to the main Sheppard (Sebastian) and his Journey. Being abroad, and in the midst of entering the next chapter of my life, it is inevitable to be scared of the outcomes of your decisions. What if I fail? - I could very well relate to the fear of taking the leap of faith to the next step forward. I especially liked the craziness of looking back & realizing the omens presented during the path, as well as the beauty of following your heart. Lastly, the way he talked about Fatima and his words about Love. Just simply perfect! Here are the main lessons the book taught me:

Importance of a positive and optimistic outlook on life.

Learning to enjoy the journey.

Not allowing the the fear of failure prohibit you from conquering your dreams..   

The importance of having a dream. 

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